Our Constitution
Your guide to how The Company works

The aim of The Company is to achieve professionalism through quality, teamwork, variety and originality by:
Producing theatre at a high artistic standard
Catering to the broad tastes of the members
Choosing a varied programme of play to give all Company members the opportunity to develop
Aiming to make enough money through the course of the year to be self-sustaining
Member Eligibility
Anyone can join The Company. The membership is defined as everyone who is up-to-date with the membership fee and has agreed to work towards the objectives of the society.
The fee, duration of a membership period and any discounts for part-terms shall be set at the Annual General Meeting.
Members are encouraged to take a full part in the work of The Company. No one should expect to join The Company and only act.

Photo by Mark Todd

The Company is made up of volunteers and runs without a complicated rule book.
Apart from the rules in this constitution, the way things are done is based on accumulated knowledge and a shared set of objectives.
There are rules set by the spaces we use and organisations providing services, such as banks and insurance companies, and all members do their part in The Company keeping them.
If someone falls short, the Committee will deal with the matter with discretion and compassion. Only in the last resort will a grievance be raised.
If a matter needs to be dealt with formally, the Chair will talk to those involved and suggest a course of action to the Committee. If the Chair is part of the situation the Committee will choose who shall take their place.
The ultimate course of action is expulsion of a member. If those involved are not happy, the situation can be appealed to the full Committee.

Photo by Mark Todd

Committee Membership
The Committee, the management team, shall consist of elected and appointed members. A member may serve in both capacities at the same time, but only gets one vote in meetings.
The voting size of the the Committee shall be at least 10 people, of which, at least 7 shall be posts that are normally elected. If team size is not met due to members holding more than one post, then new posts should be created.
Associate Posts
A number of associate posts should exist to keep specialist knowledge.
These posts can either be held by members of the Committee or by members appointed at a general meeting or co-opted by the Committee.
These are non-voting posts for Committee meetings.

Photo by Mark Todd

Election & Appointment
Part 1
All elected posts must be up for re-election at the AGM. Nominations remain open until the vote.
Candidates must agree to stand and be nominated and seconded by members. Candidates each get an opportunity to address the meeting individually. Other candidates should leave the room for this.
All votes are by a show of hands unless a majority at the meeting opt for a secret ballot. Uncontested elections still require a vote.
There are no limits to the length of time or the number of terms anyone can serve.
Election & Appointment
Part 2
The posts on the Committee can be varied at any general meeting. The current list of posts should be kept up to date in the appendices of this document and on the website.
Any member can join the Committee.
If any post falls vacant between general meetings can be filled by the Committee co-opting members; anyone appointed in this way serves until the next general meeting.

Photo by Bree Maddrell-Mander
Photo by Mark Todd

Knowledge & Duties
The Committee shall agree amongst themselves which post should carry out any particular duty.
A general meeting can require the Committee to make sure certain things are done.
All elected, appointed and associated members are required to keep up-to-date documentation of their post. This information should include contact details for all external suppliers.
The Chair and Secretary should collate this information by suitable means.

Conflict of Interests
All members of the Committee should declare any financial or other significant interest they have in a matter before it is discussed.

Photo by Bree Maddrell-Mander

General Meeting Requirements
Any general meeting will be announced to the membership seven days in advanced. The notice should include information about posts to be elected and any motions tabled in advance.
All general meetings shall take place in the City of Sheffield.
A general meeting can be called by the Committee at any time, or must be called at the request of 20 members.
Annual General Meeting
The Company must hold at least one general meeting per calendar year with at least the following agenda items:
Minutes of the last AGM
Reports from the Committee team members
Election of the Committee team members
Appointment of non-elected posts
Membership & Production Fees
Ticket Prices
Appointment of auditors
Any other business

Photo by Mark Todd

Quoracy & Votes
A general meeting shall be quorate with 10 members.
All votes can be passed with a simple majority.
A member may appoint any other member as a proxy by giving them a signed letter.
Any amendments to this constitution must be voted upon at a general meeting.
Finances - Budget
The Committee shall set a budget for each production or other activity. They shall keep in touch with the production team who are not allowed to vary that budget without prior agreement.
The Accountant shall keep a record of income and expenditure for each production.

Photo by Mark Todd

Finances - Responsibility
The Accountant is responsible for keeping all financial records and reporting to the rest of the Committee if there is any cause for concern. They will also include details of The Company’s financial situation in writing as part of their report to the AGM. This should be broken down by production and suitable subheadings for income and expenditure.
The Accountant should bring suggestions for ticket prices, membership fees and terms, and production fees to the AGM.
If the Account cannot carry out their responsibilities the other members of the Committee, particularly any bank account signatories take over.
Financial Controls
The Accountant will run an expenditure control and approval system. Nobody will be authorised to spend money or entitled to have expenses reimbursed unless they follow this process.
All expenditure will need to have either an invoice or completed expenses form.
All payments into The Company of Membership fees will be accompanied by a membership form.
The person collecting production fees will maintain a checklist form of who has paid and submit this after the final performance.

Photo by Mark Todd

Two (2) members of The Company will be appointed at every AGM to audit the accounts for the financial year (1st of January to the 31st of December).
The Accountant will provide, within two months of the end of The Company’s financial year to those members the full accounts and all supporting documentation including all invoices, expenses forms, bank statements, membership and production forms.
They will report any findings of irregularity to the Committee for immediate action. This report and any subsequent actions will be brought to the next general meeting.
Committee Meetings
Attendance & Conduct
All of the meetings are conducted by the Committee on behalf of the membership. All Committee members should try to attend with the addition of those people listed for each meeting. Almost all meetings are open to be observed by the membership, but sections can be held in camera where required by the Committee. Such sections should be kept to a minimum.
Decisions should be reached, wherever possible, by reaching consensus. If they cannot then a vote should take place. The Chair has the casting vote; if the Chair cannot attend a meeting those present should choose someone to chair that meeting who gets that casting vote.

Photo by Bree Maddrell-Mander

Committee Meetings
A Committee meeting shall be quorate with 50% of the voting members in attendance. (Rounded down in the case that the number is currently odd).
Play Choosing
Part 1
The Committee should call for directors to submit plays that meet the objectives of The Company.
The Artistic Director and the rest of the Committee should keep all members informed about the standards and preparation required to be a director with The Company.
The Committee can programme as many plays in advance as seems sensible, up to a whole year in advance. The number of plays in a year can be varied depending on the availability of members and theatre spaces.

Photo by Ann O'Connell

Play Choosing
Part 2
If there are no suitable plays suggested for a slot the Committee can ask directors from inside or outside the membership to fill the gap.
The Committee should take into account all artistic and practical matters when choosing plays and directors.
The Committee can tell the director of a play that there are conditions attached to being chosen and these must be agreed on.
Casting Meeting
Part 1
The Committee and the director for the play must meet after any auditioning process to agree the cast. The director will bring a suggested cast to be discussed.
Casting shall be agreed based on meeting the objectives of The Company and rewarding hard work.
Decisions reached at the casting meeting are collective decisions no matter how they are made and no discussions from the meeting should be reported to anyone.

Photo by Mark Todd

Casting Meeting
Part 2
Directors are allowed to give general feedback to auditionees about their performance. Feedback on general areas to improve should be agreed at the meeting.
In the case of discussing one or more members’ suitability for a role they may be asked to leave the meeting.
Production Meetings
Part 1
The Committee and the director will agree upon a production manager, and team, for the play. The production team membership should be balanced to avoid too many first timers on one show.
The production manager will be responsible for co-ordinating the work required to help the director get the play to the stage.
The team should be in regular contact and meet in person once or twice during the period running up to the production.

Photo by Mark Todd

Production Meetings
Part 2
Where any member of the Committee is not available to bring their specialism to the production or needs assistance, they should work with the production manager to find members who can help. When no member can fill a job for a production, the production manager should seek outside help.
This Constitution
This constitution can be amended by a simple majority at any quorate general meeting called properly as outlined in the “General Meetings” section provided that:
Amendments are circulated 7 days in advance
Amendments are proposed and seconded by paid up members

Photo by Alieza Bancroft

Elected Members of the Committee
Artistic Director
Three (3) Company Representatives, at least
Appointed Members of
the Committee
Public Relations Manager
Technical Director
Wardrobe Manager

Areas of Knowledge for Associate Posts
Box office operation
Front of house
Poster & programme design
Production management
Stage management
Website & email